The Writing Player will reveal the top card from the deck in the middle of the table and read it our loud. They will then secretly write something that was said or overheard in the situation stated on the revealed card. |
While the Writing Player is secretly writing something, all other players will choose one of their five cards and put it face down in a pile. Someone will also need to place a card from the top of the deck face down into the pile. This additional random card is how the Writing Player can earn points. |
After all players have selected a card and placed it in the pile, the Writing player reveals what they wrote. |
The Writing Player then takes the stack of facedown cards, shuffles them, and reads them aloud. The phrase written is now applied to the new situations. |
After the Writing Player finished reading the cards, it is time to vote. The entire table then simultaneously votes for their favorite card. The only rule is that you cannot vote for your own. After tallying the votes, the person whose card has the most votes takes their card back and places face up in front of them. This card counts as one point. If no one claims the winning card, it is assumed that it is the card that was put in from the top of the deck. This card goes to the Writing Player. If there is a tie, the Writing Player chooses the winning card from the tie. |